When I was studying for my Private Pilot certification, I learned about phugoid oscillations. Most airplanes that are disturbed from level flight will go through a series of diminishing oscillations until they reach level flight again (if no controls are moved and the trim isn’t changed).
An aircraft that will eventually stabilize itself from minor deviations has aerodynamic stability. Most aircraft are built to be aerodynamically stable. If the pilot stays hands off, the plane will right itself from minor deviations.

Supply Chain Oscillations
We may be seeing something akin to phugoid oscillations in the congestion at ports. Port congestion is peaking again in California and is also building on the east coast.[1] California port congestion last peaked in the first quarter. The congestion was eventually capped by vessel supply. As those vessels were delayed in their normal rounds, other temporary vessels have been added. Now there is another round of congestion building.
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